
Top 7 Content Writing Tips For Beginners

Here are 7 content writing tips for beginners to make your content go viral and increase your customer acquisition strategy.

When it comes to growing a business, it’s smart to implement several marketing strategies that will increase your SEO and actively engage users. Top content marketing agencies know the power of content marketing and how it can get your mission and message across, as well stay on the minds of new and current customers. What’s more, keeping an active blog can help share your ideas and showcase your products and services, online.

Here, 7 easy tips to adhere to as a beginner blogger, to make your content go viral and increase your customer acquisition strategy.

Keep It Short & Sweet

Out are the days where people read essays online—especially when accessing via mobile. What’s in: Reading a short, snippy, interesting article that’s witty, to the point, and pleasurable to read. It’s always better to keep the word count low, roughly around 500-600 words, to stay in line with your audience’s preferred attention span and to leave a good, lasting impression.

Use Casual Language

Of course, the matter of demographic should be considered—for instance, the tone and voice of an attorney’s blog might be a bit drier than that of trendy food company’s—but still, it’s smart to keep a more casual tone, to make the reader feel at ease. When language is too stuffy or lackluster, it can quickly deter eyes from the page and decrease your customer acquisition.

Include Images & Videos

People are very visual in nature, so using imagery and videos to further enhance the text can draw in a larger, and more steady, readership. And, using video as a content marketing strategy can be especially effective, as you can share over social media and attract people on several different platforms. Here, you can feature select products, spark engagement between team members and your target market, and consistently represent your brand.

Use A Listicle Format

Using a listicle format, or rather breaking down points into specific subheads, can keep the article concise, organized, and catchy. For instance, “5 Ways To Increase Your Conversion Rate” or “7 Tips For Increasing SEO,” might be examples, as they both signify a specific number of items, each with individual subheads. So, in the increasing SEO example, one example might be “Using Google Analyics,” where the following short paragraph will explain why.

Have A Catchy Title

The first thing to generate interest? The title. To get viewers to your article, and subsequently, your website, you need a catchy title to draw them in. Using SEO terms that are highly searchable but relatively low demand (as shown through Google Keyword Planner), will increase the likelihood of your content popping up on Google. And, by keeping the listicle format, you’ll instantly create intrigue.

Teach Something New

Of course, you’re likely to find the same types of article topics and content online, so it’s important to provide the reader with something new and unique that sets you apart from the crowd. So, if the topic is “5 Foods To Eat To Protect Your Skin,” it’s best to include one or two items that aren’t found in other articles online. Or, you can make the title, “5 Surprising Foods That Will Protect Your Skin,” as this insinuates that there’s new knowledge available.

Provide Expert Insight

While you don’t want to overdo it on the quotes and studies, each piece of content needs research for expert commentary to back up its points. Otherwise, you’ll lose credibility, and you won’t necessarily been seen as an expert, yourself. What’s more, linking to other valid and trustworthy sources (Think: Studies, universities, and expert columnists on reputable sites) will also increase your SEO.

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