
3 Types of Content Marketing Analytics to Focus On

Content marketing analytics can help you track the performance of your content. It will assist you in creating weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports.

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June 18, 2020

Often, content marketing is powered almost entirely by creativity, instead of being driven by data. Although it is a good thing that content marketing is generally a creative endeavor, it is also important that content marketers don’t ignore data. In fact, analytics can inform and propel content marketing just like they can for other types of marketing. Content marketing analytics can help you track the performance of your content. It will assist you in creating weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports. These reports can aid you with editing your content calendar to be more in line with your goals and make your content more effective. Here are 3 areas of content marketing analytics that you should be focusing on.

Blog analytics

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One of the most popular forms of content marketing is blogs. Generally, a blog is a short, but sometimes long, written text containing useful information. You will want to review the performance of your blog, especially if you are posting on your website’s blog page regularly. That way, you can note the most popular blogs, and create similar blog content in the future. These analytics can also help you know how to best promote your blog posts, since some may do better than others on certain platforms. To start reviewing your blog’s data, you can use Google Analytics, a popular free tool, to look at the individual blog pages’ traffic. First, go to Google Analytics’ Behavior tab. Click on the subpage All Pages and then search in the search bar for the individual blog pages. You’ll be able to review your blog posts’ page views, unique page views, average time on page, and bounce rate. Use these analytics to determine what is working for your blog posts and what isn’t working.

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Social media analytics

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Analyzing your social media posts’ performance, like engagement stats, can boost your understanding of what your audience wants to see you post. High performing posts can show you what type of content people like the most, whether it be videos, infographics, photos, or blogs. You’ll know a piece of content is performing well when many people are engaging with it. Engagement comes in the form of likes, comments, and shares. Social media analytics can also tell you about your follower demographics. These are important because they show you who your typical followers are and potentially a target audience for your content. Once you understand what types of content your followers engage with the most, and who your audience is, you can update your content calendar.There are several different ways for you to view your social media analytics. You can view them on the individual social media platforms or by using specific tools like Hootsuite or Sprout Social. Both ways can be effective and provide useful information. Additionally, you can review Google Analytics to see how many people are visiting your website from different social media platforms. To do this, go to Google Analytics’ Acquisition tab, and then click on the Social subtab. After you’ve collected enough data from social media, you can use it to further analyze your social media content.

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Website audience data

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Tracking the demographics of the people who visit your website can be very beneficial. If you understand who your typical website visitor is, then you can change your content to cater to these types of people. The main demographics that you will want to focus on include gender, age, geographic location, and interests.You can track website demographics by utilizing Google Analytics. Go to the Audience tab and then the Demographics subtab to find age and gender. Or, visit the Interests subtab to see what things your website visitors are interested in, such as beauty and wellness or media and entertainment. Another subtab you’ll want to explore is the Geo section. You’ll discover your website visitor’s locations and languages in this tab. Use all of these demographics to determine what content you’ll produce.

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Auditing your content calendar

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After reviewing your content marketing analytics, you now should have a much better understanding of what kind of content your audience will react positively to. However, it’s a good idea to periodically review your content by auditing it. Auditing your content helps you make sure that your content is still accomplishing your original objectives. Periodically auditing your content allows you to see the big picture and what’s actually driving business forward.

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