Hotel Marketing

Types of Effective Videos for Hotel Marketing

Whether the aim is increasing awareness in your location or drawing immediate bookings, these types of videos can add an important layer to your paid advertisements.

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February 12, 2022

A quality video of your hotel can be an effective way of showcasing your experience. Videos can go on your website, but also should hold an important place in paid ad campaigns. Whether the aim is increasing awareness in your location or drawing immediate bookings, these types of videos can add an important layer to your paid advertisements.

Overview Video

Your hotel should focus on having a high level video of your property first to show the many wonderful aspects of your property. It can start out with showing the exterior to the interior experiences guests will find such a lobby, restaurants, rooms, and friends staff. These video images should be very engaging and show what guests should expect. This type of overview video can be very beneficial in cutting smaller videos for ad or social media use in different formats.

Virtual tours

Guests across the globe that are on the fence about booking a room will feel much more comfortable if they can see your rooms and amenities in video format. In fact, studies show that virtual tours are viewed longer and generate more bookings than still images.

Film guest testimonials

Quality guest testimonials are another way to tell your hotel’s story and showcase the experience you offer. Written reviews are most common and effective, but interviewing loyal guests on camera can add a personal touch to your marketing efforts.

Interested in learning about more ways to boost your hotel's marketing campaigns? Read more at the 97 Switch Guide to Hotel Marketing.