Hotel Marketing

Creating a Timeline

Your marketing objectives should be tied to a specific timeline. In the hotel industry, planning on an annualized basis is often most effective.

97 Switch
97 Switch
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March 28, 2022

Your marketing objectives should be tied to a specific timeline. In the hotel industry, planning on an annualized basis is often most effective. Be strategic about the next twelve months. Plan your resources around your slow and busy periods. For example, you could spend the extra time and resources building a new website in your off-season. This way, when busy tasks come up, you’ll be more equipped to handle it compared to when you’re often fully booked with guests.

Using past data is a great way to determine your timeline. Look at your number of bookings over each season, define the busiest periods, and make your marketing plan reflect it.

Interested in learning about more ways to boost your hotel's marketing campaigns? Read more at the 97 Switch Guide to Hotel Marketing.