Hotel Marketing

Independent vs Corporate SEO Strategies

For hotels that have independent websites (vanity sites) outside of the brand websites (,, etc), different strategies should be considered.

97 Switch
97 Switch
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May 24, 2021

For hotels that have independent websites (vanity sites) outside of the brand websites (,, etc), different strategies should be considered for multiple sites. sites (controlled by the bigger hotel brands) may want a more focused SEO strategy with longer tail keywords because of the competition that website will face from other hotels in the market. On the independent site (vanity site), broader keywords may be considered because there is more room for in depth SEO practices with more page and post building. The website of an independent hotel or independent site can be more specific and in-depth over more pages, especially when it comes to key words that are popular locally because more pages can be built than on a site.

A corporate hotel website should compare the vanity site’s strategies as the two websites can compete against each other. To help avoid this, it is best to have different strategies and track performance to see how each site is performing.

Interested in learning about more ways to boost your hotel's marketing campaigns? Read more at the 97 Switch Guide to Hotel Marketing.